The Technical Avenue

Going through The Technical Avenue you will understand and explore the facts of computer related technologies.

Why Information Security ?

Some years ago information security is not a hot topic. Because in that time organizations did not heavily depend on computer based system. Internet was not there and few people had the technical knowledge. But nowadays, the situation got changed.

37H1cAl Hacking

Reconnaissance, Scanning, Gaining Access, Maintaining Access, Clearing Tracks

Computer Virus Analysis

Types of Computer Viruses, Infection Strategies, Antivirus Defense Development.

Usefull Softwres and Tools.

Contains an abbreviated list of very useful software tools for different purposes.


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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Activate Hidden Admin in Win 7

Windows 7 has a built-in administrator account but its disabled by default for security purposes.This built-in administrator account is an account that has full unrestricted access and permission on the computer, and will not be prompted by UAC. You might want to enable it for troubleshooting or to get rid of the annoying UAC prompts while tweaking your system. It can be made activate by another activated  administrator. It is not recommended to leave the built-in Administrator account always enabled, or use it all the time for just everyday purposes. This post will show you how to enable or disable this account.

1. Go to Start-> All Programs -> Accessories.

2. Type "cmd" in start menu search box and press “Ctrl+Shift+Enter“ to
run the command prompt as administrator. If you are prompted to enter password, enter the password and continue.

3. Type following command in command prompt and hit Enter.
net user administrator /active:yes 

4. You should see a message that the command completed successfully. The Administrator account will be enabled. Log out, and you'll now see the Administrator account. There's no password for this account. So setup a strong password if you hope to make enable hereafter.

5. If you want to disable it again, this is the command:
net user administrator /active:no (simply replace "yes" with "no" in previous command)

I hope this will help you and  please leave a comment.