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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Why Information Security?

Some years ago information security is not a hot topic. Because in that time organizations did not heavily depend on computer based system. Internet was not there and few people had the technical knowledge. But nowadays, the situation got changed. organizations, government and all other individuals depend heavily on computer based systems. Internet provides a large medium for malicious activities. Well organizes computer crimes have become common.

When information is not adequately secured, it may be compromised and this is known as a security breach. For businesses, a breach usually entails decrease in productivity, release of unauthorized sensitive data and loss of reputation, trust & business. For individuals, a breach can lead to identity theft and damage to financial history or credit rating. Recovering from information breaches can take years and the costs are huge.

So.., stay secure..!!

1 comment:

  1. I agree. In past few years information security has become the need of hour. Now all type of information travel across electronic medium which arise the need for security applications and tools.
    electronic signature software
